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Worksheets for the modern novel: 'Gorgeous'
Unfortunately, occasional episodes of bullying, teasing and unhappiness over friendship issues occur even in the best-run schools. My experience during my years of teaching is that these are often best dealt with by open discussion rather than by lectures and punishments. I feel also, that it is easier to discuss a fictional situation than a real-life one as children tend to clam up and issues of loyalty to friends prevent them from revealing their true feelings. 'Gorgeous' provides a good framework for such a discussion. Each worksheet covers two chapters of the book so that if 'Gorgeous' is being used as a class novel the worksheets can be used while the book is being read. Click on the link below to view the worksheets (These worksheets open in a new window) Worksheet One (Chapters 1 & 2): What makes a good friend? Worksheet Two (Chapters 3 & 4): What makes a poor friend? Worksheet Four (Chapters 7 & 8): Some ways of copying with bullying. Worksheet Five (Chapters 9 & 10): The bullying cycle - why do the bullied become bullies? Worksheet Six (Chapters 11 & 12): How can adults help? Worksheet Seven (Chapters 13 & 14): Finding the right friend. Worksheet Eight (Chapters 14, 15 & 16): Developing self-confidence.
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